Electric Warlocks
This is a cyberpunk, story-focused, failed retro-clone designed to encourage players to play characters they find engaging and have the world exist around those choices.
Built as a living system this game will continue to grow and morph to fit different settings and themes. This mutable nature means that it is an adaptable system designed to show where all the pieces are so players can work together to use the right bits for their cyberpunk story.
This is a cyberpunk, story-focused, failed retro-clone designed to encourage players to play characters they find engaging and have the world exist around those choices.
Built as a living system this game will continue to grow and morph to fit different settings and themes. This mutable nature means that it is an adaptable system designed to show where all the pieces are so players can work together to use the right bits for their cyberpunk story.
This is a cyberpunk, story-focused, failed retro-clone designed to encourage players to play characters they find engaging and have the world exist around those choices.
Built as a living system this game will continue to grow and morph to fit different settings and themes. This mutable nature means that it is an adaptable system designed to show where all the pieces are so players can work together to use the right bits for their cyberpunk story.